藍偉霆出生於比利時安特衛普,是世界頂尖的演奏家之一。在12歲時就已開始吹奏長笛,19歲畢業於安特衛普學院,除了長笛,在校期間還學習過聲樂、鋼琴、室內樂以及指揮等課程,並且師事法國著名演奏家 阿蘭–馬里昂 (Alain Marion)還有 尚-皮耶‧朗帕爾 (Jean-Pierre Rampal) 。之後便以自由長笛家的身份參加交響樂團的演出,除了與安特衛普皇家愛樂管弦樂團、歌劇院管弦樂團(安特衛普&根特)和國家交響樂團,比利時 (布魯塞爾) 的表演,同時定期也有管弦樂的演奏和獨奏表演,及許多組合的獨奏表演,組合的獨奏表演則包括:豎琴,古箏,鋼琴,大鍵琴與吉他,木管五重奏與較大的合奏。
他是比利時著名的柏勒洛豐交響管樂團 (Bellerophon Wind Orchestra)的創始成員,並且與他們一起錄製許多唱片,這個樂團的成員囊括了比利時最優秀的木管演奏家,擁有道地的比利時古典風格。他們的演奏曲目從莫札特到史特拉文斯基,其中包括了許多比利時當代作曲家的創作。除了表演之外,克里斯提安非常享受於教學生涯,他曾前往世界各地,舉辦大師級的課程和研討會 (在東京、大阪、上海、北京、伊斯坦布爾、安卡拉等)。他也擔任安特衛普商會音樂學院的長笛教授達22年之久。
Widely regarded as one of the world's top flutists, Christian Plouvier was born in Antwerp, Belgium.
He started to play the flute aged 12, graduated at the Antwerp Conservatory at 19, then specialized with the famous French flutists Alain Marion and Jean-Pierre Rampal. In addition to performing with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (Antwerp), the Opera Orchestra (Antwerp-Ghent) and the National Orchestra of Belgium (Brussels), he performs regularly both as an orchestral player and soloist in many combinations: harp, koto, piano, harpsichord, guitar, woodwind quintet and larger ensembles.
He was a founding member of the Bellerophon Orchestra, featuring the best wind players of Belgium. Their repertoire goes from Mozart to Stravinsky, including many creations of Belgian contemporary composers.
Apart from performing, Christian Plouvier enjoys a successful teaching career, travelling worldwide to give master-classes and seminars (Tokyo, Osaka, Shanghai, Beijing, Istanbul, Ankara). He served 22 years as the Professor of Flute and Chamber Music at the Academy of Music in Antwerp.