B i o g r a p h y

密西根州立大學音樂藝術博士。畢業於國立臺南一中、國立臺北教育大學、國立臺灣藝術大學音樂研究所。主修長笛演奏,曾追隨章逸梅、安德石、林薏蕙、林姿瑩及Richard Sherman等名師學習長笛。曾多次獲得全國音樂比賽獎項,2013年獲美國SEMFA協會大賽首獎,並曾入圍專門資助青年音樂家的卡內基音樂廳大賽決賽、美國長笛協會青年藝術家大賽以及獲選Stanley & Helen Hollander 長笛首席獎學金、巴赫新聲、堤頂之星、台北市立交響樂團音樂人才庫等殊榮。
曾舉辦「La Belle Époque 聽見,那個美麗的年代」、「Cross the Oder-Neisse Line 跨越界線」、「Rencontre」、「Bachazzolla! 均衡失序」、「Trois Trios!」、「Stolen Romances 偷來的浪漫」、「萊茵,一刻。」、「瀟瀟 Regenlied」、「幻 變」、「Arioso 如歌地」、「日本風景・絵葉書」、「L'inconnue 謎樣的既視感」等系列長笛音樂會,足跡橫跨亞洲、美洲和歐洲。重要的協奏曲演出包括Reneicke D大調長笛協奏曲,作品283、Ibert 長笛協奏曲、Vivaldi C大調短笛協奏曲,作品RV 443、六首長笛協奏曲,作品10(RV 433, 439, 428, 435, 434, 437)、Mozart 長笛與豎琴協奏曲,作品299和Reed 長笛和管樂團嬉遊曲等。受邀於美國國家長笛年會、加拿大長笛年會、台北國際長笛藝術節、韓國長笛教育家協會音樂會及許多藝術節的重要場合演奏、演講、舉辦大師班公開課程及發表國人作品。也曾參與國家交響樂團、長榮交響樂團、高雄市立交響樂團、台南市立交響樂團、夢蓮花交響樂團、台灣獨奏家交響樂團、台灣藝術家交響樂團、高雄青少年交響樂團、嘉義愛樂交響樂團等的演出。
同時也積極參與許多音樂營及大師班,曾接受András Adorján, Robert Aitken, Petri Alanko, Yossi Arheim, János Bálint, Michel Bellavance, William Bennett, James Galway, Sarah Jackson, Karl Kraber, Emmanuel Pahud, Amy Porter, Birgit Ramsl-Gaal, Carol Wincenc, Trevor Wye等大師的個別指導。除演奏方面的佳績外,學業成績也曾獲國立臺灣藝術大學音樂系碩士班第一名及優秀研究生獎學金。在美期間,也是少數能獲得全額獎學金並任教演奏及音樂理論兩種不同領域的國際學生。碩士學位論文〈穆欽斯基《長笛奏鳴曲》作品14之研究與詮釋〉受到肯定入選刊登於第一屆《演奏與詮釋論文集》;他的博士論文研究也得以通過嚴格的審核,以音樂學組論文要求的極高榮譽畢業取得博士學位。
Holding his Bachelor and Master degrees from National Taipei University of Education and National Taiwan University of Arts, flutist York Cheng-Yu Lu has earned his doctoral degree in flute performance at Michigan State University with full scholarship. His main teachers include I-Mei Chang, Anders Norell, Yi-Hui Lin, Jennie Tzu-Ying Lin, and Richard Sherman.
As a prize-winning musician of many competitions, such as 1st prize at SEMFA Ervin Monroe Young Artist Competition, Dr. Lu has attended many music festivals and camps and played for András Adorján, Robert Aitken, Petri Alanko, Yossi Arheim, János Bálint, Michel Bellavance, William Bennett, James Galway, Sarah Jackson, Karl Kraber, Emmanuel Pahud, Amy Porter, Birgit Ramsl-Gaal, Carol Wincenc, and Trevor Wye.
Dr. Lu often gives recitals and gets involved in chamber music and orchestral concerts and has performed in Asia, Europe and the Americas as a flute, piccolo, baroque flute, and recorder player. He has performed a variety of major concertos as a soloist with orchestras, such as Piccolo Concerto in C major, RV 443 and Concerti Op. 10 (RV 433, 439, 428, 435, 434, 437) by Vivaldi, Concerto in D major, Op. 283 by Reinecke, Concerto for flute and harp, K. 299 by Mozart, Concerto for flute and orchestra by Ibert, and Divertimento for flute and winds by Alfred Reed.
Being an enthusiastic teacher and performer, Dr. Lu also enjoys a life as a prolific researcher and music theorist. He recently teaches at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Nan-Hua University, Tainan University of Technology, Shu-Te University of Technology, Da-Yeh University, as well as the Summer College at National Taiwan University.